Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Kismet quirk

  You made me struggle and helped me. You’re my physician that causes me this illness. You were my ache and my aide. You’re my prevention, my cure, the medicine that heals me and thoroughly torments me. You are the blessing and the curse the only need that I never needed. You’re the ladder and the slide. You’re the heaven that feels like hell and the hell that brought me in heaven and the abyss that held me high; the one who puts me down and lifts me up. You’re the darkness that gives me light and the light that gives me darkness. You’re the angel and devil beside me. You’re my master and my slave, my king and my servant; the one that I loved and hate.

  You are an optimist, that’s pessimist, the positive that brings negative; my sadness and my happiness, my hope and failure. You’re the one that cradles me and hurts me. The beauty that gives ugliness in me, the door that opens before me and closes behind me. You are the vivid vision that blurs me; the connection that disconnects and the capabilities that made me incapable. You’re the kind that is rude and the one that I hated and love.

My irony—my agony—you’re the infinity that ends and the parallel that meets. You’re the intersection that does not crossed. The one that is two that made me seen the unseen; the blind that sees and the paralyzed that swiftly moves. You’re the old that is new and the new that is old. You’re my home, my shelter that made me homeless… The careful that’s so careless. You’re my friend as well as my enemy—my enemy that I’d loved… My lover and my friend which side I’ll buy??? I don’t know. You’re the past that becomes my present and the present that turns to be my future. You are less but more—many but few… You’re the same that’s different… The equal that’s unequal, the sweet truth and the bitter lie; you were the one I clung to and pushed away… behave and naughty, the good that’s bad; the better and the worse and the best that’s worst. You are my love and my hate!

You’re my refuge and my downfall. You’re humble and haughty, biased and unbiased. You’re the air that I breathe and suffocate me. You bring life and kill me… hurt me and cure me. You’re sadist that’s masochist... You’re the closed that opens and opened that closes. You are my safe haven but unsecured, the unsecured that becomes my safe haven… the fantasy that became reality and—the truth that turns to be fallacy. You were the unreal that becomes real; the loss that’s found. You’re my comfort that gives discomfort… You’re the saint that’s evil, the evil that is sacred. You’re fair and unfair…the balance and imbalance; the contentment that gives me discontentment. You’re my hate and my love.

You were sufficient that’s insufficient, the wrong that made me right and the right that’s wrong. You were my strength that make me weak—my weakness and my strength. I love you and I hate you… You’re capable of loving me unconditionally and ceased it abruptly. You’re the pros and cons—my advantage that made disadvantages; my debit that became credit. You made me cry and made it dry. You’re flying yet you’re crawling, crawling yet flying. You are the one that cared not and cared much... one who brought me in trouble and made me struggle yet saved me late. You pushed and pulled me… You are the one that let me fall and eventually catch me… the careful and careless, you have the beauty and the beast. You make me happy and make me cry but you were able to let it dry…

.  .  . You are my love and my hate . . .
You are the curse that blessed me . . .
You were the one whom I concealed and was revealed . . .    

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